Re:Cut The Label is a Swedish purpose-driven designer and luxury upcycling label turning existing resources into well-crafted and unique designer collections. Our aim is not only to extend, but to enhance, the lifespan of textilies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Each collection is thoughtfully designed to create coveted statement pieces, mainly crafted in Sweden. We blend traditional savoir faire with creativity and our selected range of designer garments will elevate your style while keeping each garments environmental footprint to a minimum. 
When designing our collections we aim to design out waste and to keep longevity, durability, reuse, resale, remanufacturing and recycling in mind, already at the design stage. And as a response to the over-production that currently is a large issue within the fashion industry we are producing our garments in small quantaties or on-demand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Approximately 80% of a garments´negative environmental impact happens during the production and especially the first phase of the production when the fabric is being produced, dyed and finnished has a huge negative impact on our planet. So by not producing new fabric and rather take care of and repurpose material that already exist, it is possible to siginfically reduce garments negative environmental impact. Now in a perfect world we woud not have a huge amount of leftover textiles, but as we do, we believe the best option is to use them. And by using existing resources we can; 1/ limit the amount of virign resources we use, and 2/ give the textiles that we do use a longer lifespan, keeping them away from landfilles.                                                                                                                                                                         


Re:Edge The Label is a high-end remake and designer label focusing on exquisite craftsmanship. It is chic, it is stylish and it has an edge. It is Re:Cut The Label garments going "all-in luxury" with an even greater attention to detail. This label is for those who truly appreciate impeccable craftsmanship and extraordinary outfits.                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Our vision is to redefine luxury fashion - creating a fashion space where style and values go hand in hand.
And our mission is:
- to create future vintage gems; unique designer pieces, made to last.
- to create well-crafted designer collections from existing resources and therby increase the value of the textiles.
- to support the local textile industry, making sure all garments are ethically produced.
- to empower and inspire our customers to make conscious choices and dress to express their personal style as well as their values.


All of our garments are ethically made, either in our design studio, or by carefully selected production studios that share our values and where the people making our garments work in safe and good environments. Social sustainability is as important to us as the environmental one and we believe that everyone in the supply chain should be treated fairly and with great respect which is why most of our products are made locally in Sweden (in Malmö and in Borås), and in some cases in Portugal and in the UK (East London). Making well-made garments is a craft and should be valued as one. We love the craftsmanship and the creativity that goes into crafting each and every piece in our collection and we hope that you will love our garments as much as we do. 


We aim to have a sustainable approach across all areas of our business and are always trying to look for the most responsible option in each area:
Denim fabric:
Left-over fabric is sourced mainly from REKOTEX in Sweden and is fabric that´s leftovers from factories in Europe. We select fabric that is made from only one fibre, such as our 100 % viscose lining, or fabric that has a high content of the same fabric such as our 99% organic cotton - 1% elastane. This is due to the fact that we love and prefer the high-quality denim fabric made from cotton, or a high content of cotton. And also that it is still easier to recycle fabric made up from the same fibre and we think it is important to think about the garments whole life-cycle already at design stage.
Pre-loved garments:
From the second-hand market, we save garments that has been discarded, and we also source and purchase garments from wholesale/second-hand, charities and/or from private people cleaning out their wardrobes, getting rid of garments they no longer want. We select only good qualities and when it comes to denim, only fabric made of at least 97-98% cotton.
Threads, zips and other accessories:
We would love to work with only sustainable accessories and do so whenever possible. Due to our small quantities we are also using conventional accessories, sourced from our local haberdashery store.
Our e-commerce boxes are fully recyclable and are also made from 100% recycled cardboard and our tissue paper used for wrapping is FCS-certified.
Our business cards and our thank you notes are printed on climate-neutral recycled cardboard paper.


When it comes to business, our aim is to create a circular business model, which is why we offer you the possibility to return your garment to us when you no longer wish to keep it. In return you will receive a giftcard and we will either resell it, or use it to create something new. Please see our illustrated business wheel below:


If you purchase a garment on-demand, we offer the service of adjusting the inseam, the length and the sleeve length of your garments. The better a garment fits you, the more likely you are to keep it and wear it. If you would like to make any of the above mentioned alterations please contact us at customercare@recutthelabel.com and we will help you with your request. And if you have an idea of your own, maybe for a special event, you are always welcome to contact us for a quote.


We believe in a buy less but better mindset and although buying new products is never the most sustainable solution we believe there is room for a change when it comes to producing garments as well as the way we are now consuming them. We would like to be a part of that change and create garments that you will keep in your closet (and use!) for years to come. Creativity, Craftsmanship and Responsibility are our keywords and they inform everything that we do. Creating a fully sustainable business is a work in progress, and we are committed to do the work and design and produce our collections in the most transparent and responsible way we can, with great respect for all people and for our planet. 


Well, for now it is mainly me, myself and I, working away on all areas, swapping hats as they call it but I have a few great people around me that I have in different ways been collaborating with as I think collaboration is key to any successful buiness. My name is Pernilla Greek and I am the Founder and Creative Director of Re:Cut and Re:Edge The Label. I was born and raised in Sweden and spent about a decade living in London where I studied a Postgraduate Diploma in Pattern Design and Garment Technology at London College of Fashion as well as a Master in Fashion Design Technology at the same university. I have been working in fashion for many years, mainly as a designer but also within buying, product development and production roles. I have worked for a range of different companies, from Swedish fast fashion brands to British luxury and designer labels. Now, I would like to use my experience to create change. And hopefully I will in the future collaborate with even more amazing people that are, just like me, working towards a more responsible and sustainable fashion future.